WordHouse Reading Series
Saturday April 6, 2pm
Pat Hale and Patrick Pritchett
Reading begins with an Open Mike.
Pat Hale’s publications include the poetry collections, Seeing Them with My Eyes Closed and Composition and Flight. Her work appears in Naugatuck River Review, CALYX, Connecticut River Review, Lily Poetry Review, Freshwater, Thimble Literary Magazine, and other journals, and is anthologized in Forgotten Women, Waking Up to the Earth: Connecticut Poets in a Time of Global Climate Crisis, and elsewhere. She has been awarded CALYX’s Lois Cranston Memorial Poetry Prize, the Sunken Garden Poetry Prize, and first prize in the Al Savard Poetry Competition. She lives in Connecticut, where she serves on the board for the Riverwood Poetry Series.
Patrick Pritchett’s books of poetry include Sunderland (2023), Refrain Series (2020), Orphic Noise (2017), and SONG X (2014). His poems have appeared in Hambone, Lana Turner, New American Writing, and Talisman. He has also published numerous scholarly essays and book reviews on post-45 poets such as George Oppen, Lorine Niedecker, Ronald Johnson, Gustaf Sobin, Michael Palmer, and Jorie Graham and has taught at Harvard University, Amherst College, and Hunan Normal University in China. Currently he lectures in Comp Lit at Rutgers University.