Noah’s New Americans
The Noah’s New Americans is a junior history club for young adults (ages 10-15 years old). We meet the first Sunday of each month. (October through May) from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. at the Noah Webster House. Each member assumes the identity, mannerisms, and dress of a Colonist. Daily life in the 18 c. is recreated by performing chores and pastimes such as hearth cooking, spinning, weaving, and woodworking. We offer volunteer activities, sponsor public programs, and experience a fun “sleepover” complete with stories. Noah Webster’s literature and actions changed the course of history and the NNA intend to create positive changes in our present and future
“Live The Past In Your Future!”
For more information, please contact Sherry Woodward, leader of NNA (860) 491-0545.