Webster’s Schoolhouse
Timeline of Noah’s Life
1: Harlow Giles Unger, Noah Webster: The Life and Times of An American Patriot, (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1998), ix.
2: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 12.
3: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 12.
4: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 34; Joshua Kendall, The Forgotten Founding Father, (New York, NY: Penguin Publishing Group, 2010), 53.
5: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 35.
6: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 36-37.
7: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, ix.
8: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 82-89.
9: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 83.
10: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 140.
11: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 160.
12: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, ix.
13: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, ix.
14: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, ix.
15: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, x.
16: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, 230.
17: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, x.
18: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, x.
19: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, x.
20: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, x.
21: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, x.
22: Noah Webster: The Life and Times, x.
Work Cited
Kendall, Joshua, The Forgotten Founding Father, (New York, NY: Penguin Publishing Group, 2010).
Unger, Harlow Giles, Noah Webster: The Life and Times of An American Patriot, (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1998).